Friday, December 31, 2010

Getting ready for 2011

We're heading off for the standard Lame Games with the Lane's this evening, sans the pidgeon pair who have managed to wrangle a sleepover with their second family down the road. Shall be a lovely evening, probably home before midnight if past experience counts for anything.

I've not made a New Year's resolution for about three years - that one was to only buy Fairtrade or recycled clothing. I've stuck quite firmly to that - although I've also started imposing the same standard on loving family members who would like to buy me clothes for Christmas/birthday/out of pity. It was rather interesting explaining to my 80 year-old Grandma that this situation arises from an ethical standard, rather than from being frugal. She got it in the end, she's taking me to a couple of the recycled clothing boutiques up her neck of the woods for a "new frock"! Mind you, she'll probably wind up spending about as much on a second-hand dress from the shops up her way as we would from a chain store, but the quality will be much better. A little bit of luxury, I'm really looking forward to it.

Following on from that, I have a few things that I really need to focus on this year. So, I'm making some resolutions! My fitness has dropped markedly over the past twelve months to the point where I'm not doing anything. I've used my SLE as a crutch to allow this to happen, and have developed a real block to any sort of exercise. Not good for my health, and a poor example for the kiddies. So, back to basics with my fitness. The recommendations from the Arthritis Organistion is flexibility every day, weight-bearing every second day and cardio 3-4 days/week. For flexibility I'm going to alternate a short session one day with a longer session the next. The short session will be 4 cycles of Greetings to Khatu, and the longer session will be an hour working through the stages of the YIDL program. One the days where I do a short yoga session I'll then do some weight bearing exercises, so my muscles are stronger, hence there will be less stress on my joints. And three nights a week I'll go on the treadmill. I'll start with five minutes (I'm REALLY unfit) but aim to work up to 30 minutes at a moderate heartrate. I'd also like to get into the pool at least twice a week. I went for a swim on Boxing Day, and the relief on my joints was indescribable, well worth the cost of pool entry! So on days when I make it to the pool I won't walk - have to make sure I don't over do things. Fine, fine line, it can be really difficult to tell whether a flare is because I've been overdoing it physically or whether it's simply a part of a natural cycle. I'm guessing a regular blog will help me identify patterns with my flares.

I'm also aiming to go with a Project 365 type theme. I've just started collating past years' photos and realised just how few we have from the past twelve months. I splurged and bought myself a funky, tiny little camera yesterday, with the idea that it'll be easy to take with me. I'll aim to take photos every day, and post a couple of times a week.

So, the resolutions are
1) follow the exercise regime, and if I fall off the wagon simply get back on; and
2) take daily photos of family and a life, and regularly update the blog with them.

Seems achievable.

On the farm, we've got a new aquaponics system that is going great guns, so 25 Barramundi in the old sysytem and 40 Silverperch (30 fingerlings and 10 up to and including 35cm!) in the new one. Five HL browns and a silky bantam (Georgie has gone to the Jingle Bells Farm down south, lucky duck!). Three wick'd beds and two round AP beds that need a fair bit of work. My first REAL herb garden, too sweet. Two miniature nectarines (one is in it's fourth year and has provided us with 40+ lovely little fruit), a dwarf cherry, six pears, a mandarin, a lemon, an apricot, a midjin berry, two figs, a nectarine, four grape vines, three passionfruit and a gooseberry bush. Not bad for 440 square metres! (The house is included in that 440m2, we have a tiny block!)The native garden is filling out, and the grand total of what needs to be done in the yard is the two final tiered garden beds down the side of the driveway and the paving on the opposite side of the driveway. Then just some sort of system for keeping things tidy!

I love my life.