Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alice and Josh

We've been quite strictly Failsafe for years, with the odd lapse. The past few weeks Mike and I have both had uni, plus I've been unwell with my lupus. So... They've been Failsafe, but with very little in the way of fresh fruit and veg. I started to notice a few days ago that Alice was looking very pale, and Josh's IBS is back in full swing. We've got a full fridge of FS veg and fruit for Mike and I, plus pears for the kiddos. Time to get back to basics with the vegetables!

Breakfast - oats
MT - I can't remember
lunch - lebanese bread and salad (cabbage, brussels sprouts, green beans, celery, some grated apple {not FS, but it was about 1/8 apple each...}) with a little canola oil and salt followed by salad cups (a cabbage leaf filled with chopped cabbage, brussels sprouts, green beans and celery)
AT - scotch finger biscuit
Dinner - weetbix

Not a brilliant day, obviously, although very heavy on the veges. The main issue there is that Joshie had lebanese bread, two biscuits and weetbix, all wheat flour which I know aggravates his IBS. Today will be a better day!

Thursday (so far)
Breakfast - Alice had porridge, Josh had oats and puffed rice.
MT/Lunch 1 - I had to have some x-rays taken this morning, so we were a bit late getting to MT which has kind of merged with lunch today. FRITTATA! I fried off some finely chopped brussels sprouts in canola oil, which gives them a lovely flavour, but they can't get browned. Firstly, that increases amines, secondly, the taste gets bitter. Removed the brussels sprouts from the pan, put in potato slices which I'd steamed for 2 minutes in the microwave. Added back the brussels sprouts and a few chopped green beans. Whisked 3 eggs with some oat milk and poured that over the top. Let it cook on a lowish heat until only the top was runny, then whacked it under the grill for maybe four minutes, until it was just brown. Added a sprinkle of salt. Alice asked for seconds and thirds (common enough for her, denied thirds and got her to have a drink instead), and Josh ate all his helping, although didn't have seconds. So, in Josh's helping he had 1/4 large potato, 1/2 brussels sprout, probably about 1 green bean and not quite one egg. Alice had two serves, so double all values! Plus I gave them both some celery sticks to munch on, all of which disappeared. Happy with that.

Afternoon tea/lunch 2 will be at about 2.30pm, right before we leave for the library and Alice's piano lessons. Maybe fried rice? Needs to be substantial as Alice can't focus without a good meal, and dinner will be a little late because we go for coffee with Mum after the lesson. I need to take Josh's milk in a Tuppercup and ask them to froth that for his babycino, as SoyMilky certainly isn't FS, and I'm going to make a big effort to be dairy and wheat free until his stomach has settled down again.

So, for dinner I don't know. Actually, the latest newsletter at Fedup had a recipe for a swede and potato mash, so may make that. I don't know what we'll have it with, maybe I could make a lentil bolognaisy thing and use the mash as a topping...

Much to consider.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Exercise is surprisingly fun

Who'da thunk? I'm past the second full week of my new exercise lifestyle change, and I'm up to a daily 15 minutes of yoga and flexibility, strength three times a week (still only one rep) and 25 minutes of interval training on the treadmill for my cardio three times a week. Last night was my first full yoga workout and it was wonderfully stretchy and relaxing. Today was my second interval training session and I LOVED IT. Not at all expected.

At the library earlier last week I picked up the "How Do You Measure Up?" planning book, which steps you through goal setting, meal planning and organising an exercise schedule. I used it to set my goals, assign rewards, plan and record my exercise and for meal planning. I know I've only used it for a week but it's really working well for me. I'm felling soooo proud of myself, and I've earned (yes, earned!) a song download, a movie rental and a bath. I've gone with non-food, not costly rewards, and I'm absolutely going to cash them in each week that I earn them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


Just a quick post - got the treadmill out today. Did 15 minutes walking, a cycle of the strenght training and my yoga and Curves stretches. I really had to talk myself into doing the last two cycles of Greetings - I kept reminding myself that it is the third and fourth set that really start to make the difference. I'm so glad that I went through with it all. I felt great once I'd finished.

Did fine with my food yesterday and today, YAY! Set out some goals and rewards, going to keep a close eye on the prize!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Busy, busy days

Well, Alice started her swimming lessons yesterday, and that combined with geocaching and farming in the Vale are contributing to keeping Family Chapman both busy and tired.

Alice's swimming lesson yesterday went well with her putting her face in the water to blow bubbles, using a pool noodle under her arms as a kick-board, floating all by herself, using a noodle to float on her back and other stuff too! Much the same again today I believe, although Josh and I stayed home.

Yesterday we found a geocache on the river in Riverton (who knew the Canning River flowed right by Riverton Leisureplex?) and another one at the Ruth Rd park. Had nothing to swap at the first hide, so made sure we took things to the second. Will establish a stash in the car for future use - Alice has started cleaning out little McDonald's type toys to use for swaps. She brought home a dinosaur of the Christmas cracker/lolly bag variety last night, exchanged it for a nice shell.

We took the kids for a play at the park after dinner in the hope that a bit of late in the day exercise would help them get to sleep. Well, it worked for one of them - Alice was so tired (and possibly amined to the hilt) and didn't get to sleep much before 9pm. Mike and I went to bed at 9, and she was asleep then.

Mike and I have spent a bit of time this morning clearing out dead and finished crops from the growbeds on AP1. We've got the plants that we bought almost a week ago to plant out. We pulled out all the brussels sprouts and some of the older silverbeets as the newer plants are all producing well and have such lovely, tender leaves and stalks. Also pulled out some sweet corn that did nothing, ditto beetroot and some minuscule lettuce.

We had trout, potatoes, ratatouille, steamed spinach and mushrooms for dinner last night. About half of the meal came from our farm! We're getting closer to sustainability/self sufficifency every day.

Oh, so very tired (gin and tonic night before last - still be feeling the effects for a couple more days...)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Geocaching is Fun

We went off yesterday to find the Geocache down at the local park - 147m from our house to the Hand of Givordan! Very exciting, even Alice adapted to the fact that the treasure was there to FIND, not to take. We downloaded the Geocaching iPhone app while we were out as the GPS in the iPhone wasn't accurate enough for us to find the GC (look at me learning the abbreviations!). The app makes it so simple - we were able to get to right on top of the GC, then used the hint (a splinter in the palm of the hand) helped us to find the tiny aluminium pill case hidden in a paperbark gum. Inside was a tightly rolled scroll of paper with an explanation of GCing on one side and a log of finders on the other side. We didn't have a pencil so we didn't log there, but placed a found log on the website. We found the Falconers' on the GC log, and photos of them and the Burchards on the website.

We went for dinner last night at the Ramble. The kids were very happy to see their cousins, although they are still having difficulty with the concept that both Millie and Hamish are their cousins rather than Millie being Alice's cousin and Hamie being Josh's. The kids behaved really well, we managed to get them home before any real melt-downs occurred.

We had Chinese for dinner last night. My plan of filling up on healthy food was foiled by us leaving the house quite early to do some running around. Wound up having a pie - which I counted as 13 points (broccoli mornay, yum!). Then ate more Chinese than I needed. And had two pieces of Steph's gorgeous rocky road and maple caramel slice. Ver', ver' nice. Haven't worked out points for that yet, but will do.

While Mike and I were out picking up the Chinese we detoured to a GC up in Wireless Hill. Awesome - it had swaps, but we didn't take anything (although Mike has a uni coffee card that is nearly full, so when we have membership and can set up our own GCs we may put one on or near the grounds at Murdoch!). It was fun, and nice to do together.

I'm pretty tired today, I guess yesterday and the day before wound up being quite full on as far as socialising and stress (especially with A's allergy testing). Plus, yesterday was the first day I did my strength exercises. I did notice in bed last night that I was able to easily draw full lungs of breath. I hadn't realised I wasn't able to do that, but it's been a really long time since I've felt that sensation. May be a coincidence, but may be from the strength exercises. I'm yet to do my yoga today, and I'm planning on going for a 30 minute walk (interval style) on the treadmill later on today. I'm loving the exercise although I know it takes a month to create a new habit so I will continue to bless myself and my family with the best health I can manage!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday and Saturday

I didn't post last night as we went for dinner at the Ramble and by the time I got home, put the kids to bed and did my flexibility stretches it was time for bed.

I'm looking into local geocaches with There's one down at our local park and many within 5km of our house, which is very exciting. We'll give it a go with the iPhone app, which costs $12.99, and if we enjoy it to the point where we may like to start creating our own geocaches we'll sign up with the website for $30/year. I'm really excited about it, it is such a fun idea.

Alice had her allergy testing yesterday, she's not allergic to anything, yay! She does, however, have very large tonsils which may need to be removed if they cause any issues with colds and so on. According to the allergenist the large tonsils and adenoids are the reason for the pale skin and dark eyes - they stop the blood from draining from the head. So now I'm wondering if the food intolerances cause the tonsils to swell - we'd given her a big banana for morning tea, and they both had a finger bun from Baker's Delight (it had no sprinkles and I thought it wasn't glazed, but it was...). Her behaviour is not bad this morning, but she's incredibly sensitive and crying at the drop of a hat about the littlest things.

Yesterday marked the end of the first week of 2011. I did my yoga/flexibility EVERY DAY! It amazes me how much a change in attitude influences the success of a venture. Rather than seeing the exercise as a chore or a punishment I've deemed it important for my health, and a way to look after myself. In the words of FlyLady, I am blessing myself when I exercise. I purposely chose exercises that will help me manage my lupus better, and I gave myself a reasonable time frame to build up to where I needed to be. So, it took me six days to get up to 15 minutes of flexibility a day. And today I added in my first batch of strength training - one circuit of the NEWO system. That's 15 push ups (on my knees, and I did them all!), 15 crunches, 15 parachute stretches and 15 momentum lunges. So I walked up and down the street for five minutes to warm up, did my NEWO for six minutes and cooled down with 15 minutes of Greetings to Khatu and my Curves stretches. 26 minutes of exercise and I have worked and stretched all the major muscles. Yay me!

I've also made my bed every day this week! And kept the en suite clean. Hoping to gradually add in more areas of the house as I get little things under control.

We're off to the Ramble again this evening for Kit's farewell dinner. I have to go down the shops to get drumsticks and chips for the kids. The adults are having take-away. I'm going to try and fill up on carrot soup and brown rice during the day as well as drinking water. Hopefully I'll be able to keep a lid on how much rubbish I eat at dinner.

This is Benjy. Mike got a few childhood boxes from his mum and dad last night, Benjy was the big treasure.

And RL Stine was writing back in our day!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

A Day of Rest

I'm glad I identified yesterday that today and possibly tomorrow needed to be quiet. I did my yoga and stretches this morning - 15 minutes! I've reached my week one target with a day to spare. Aside from that I had a healthy breakfast, managed without much difficulty to eat healthily and track my food. And I rested. Lots of rest. I actually had a planned nap this afternoon. I'm still tired but an early night and as quiet a day possible tomorrow will go a long way to rectifying the fatigue.

The lupus means I need to be extra aware of being too busy, pushing myself too hard or not eating/sleeping properly. It's a learning curve that I'm sure I'll be on for a long time. I'm getting better at being still and not feeling lazy on the days when the fatigue is particularly bad. I have a bigger difficulty with remembering to rest early and often on the days when I feel okay. It's those days when I tend to push myself that I set up a flare.

Mike and I took the kids for a walk/ride around the park after they had dinner. Alice is so confident on her bike although she does need to work on braking. Josh is proud of himself as he speeds around on his Chuggington bike - he's stubborn on the hills, refusing any help. We've started a system of restricting TV that requires the kids to "buy" half an hour of TV with an hour of physical or mental activity. So half an hour of piano practise and half an hour of bike riding would together purchase half an hour of TV time. The kids aren't allowed to sit in front of the telly for more than half an hour (we'll allow a movie on the weekend or special occasion). The kids are playing together better and don't seem to miss the TV at all, although Mike and I do a bit. We had some awesome dressing up this morning.

I'll be doing the registration for home-schooling in the next week. I'm also going to start on my programming - we've got some interesting ideas for project work. Alice made a slot-together mouse today, which means she'll be able to make animals for our cardboard farm that I was planning for the foci of our first unit of work.

Tired but happy.