Saturday, January 8, 2011

Friday and Saturday

I didn't post last night as we went for dinner at the Ramble and by the time I got home, put the kids to bed and did my flexibility stretches it was time for bed.

I'm looking into local geocaches with There's one down at our local park and many within 5km of our house, which is very exciting. We'll give it a go with the iPhone app, which costs $12.99, and if we enjoy it to the point where we may like to start creating our own geocaches we'll sign up with the website for $30/year. I'm really excited about it, it is such a fun idea.

Alice had her allergy testing yesterday, she's not allergic to anything, yay! She does, however, have very large tonsils which may need to be removed if they cause any issues with colds and so on. According to the allergenist the large tonsils and adenoids are the reason for the pale skin and dark eyes - they stop the blood from draining from the head. So now I'm wondering if the food intolerances cause the tonsils to swell - we'd given her a big banana for morning tea, and they both had a finger bun from Baker's Delight (it had no sprinkles and I thought it wasn't glazed, but it was...). Her behaviour is not bad this morning, but she's incredibly sensitive and crying at the drop of a hat about the littlest things.

Yesterday marked the end of the first week of 2011. I did my yoga/flexibility EVERY DAY! It amazes me how much a change in attitude influences the success of a venture. Rather than seeing the exercise as a chore or a punishment I've deemed it important for my health, and a way to look after myself. In the words of FlyLady, I am blessing myself when I exercise. I purposely chose exercises that will help me manage my lupus better, and I gave myself a reasonable time frame to build up to where I needed to be. So, it took me six days to get up to 15 minutes of flexibility a day. And today I added in my first batch of strength training - one circuit of the NEWO system. That's 15 push ups (on my knees, and I did them all!), 15 crunches, 15 parachute stretches and 15 momentum lunges. So I walked up and down the street for five minutes to warm up, did my NEWO for six minutes and cooled down with 15 minutes of Greetings to Khatu and my Curves stretches. 26 minutes of exercise and I have worked and stretched all the major muscles. Yay me!

I've also made my bed every day this week! And kept the en suite clean. Hoping to gradually add in more areas of the house as I get little things under control.

We're off to the Ramble again this evening for Kit's farewell dinner. I have to go down the shops to get drumsticks and chips for the kids. The adults are having take-away. I'm going to try and fill up on carrot soup and brown rice during the day as well as drinking water. Hopefully I'll be able to keep a lid on how much rubbish I eat at dinner.

This is Benjy. Mike got a few childhood boxes from his mum and dad last night, Benjy was the big treasure.

And RL Stine was writing back in our day!

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