Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

In true "parent of a young child" form, even though the kids are (hopefully) fast asleep two doors down, I woke with the sunlight, and couldn't get back to sleep. So rather than lie in bed grumpy, or waking up Mike, I thought I'd get up, get going and have a nap later on in the day.

I re-read the recommendations on the Arthritis Org website, and before I add in cardio or strength training I need to work my daily flexibility workout up to 15 minutes/day. I'm glad I cottoned on to that fact before I started trying to do it all from day one! I managed two cycles of Greetings to Khatu, which is a great way to start the day, working every set of muscles. I personally need to be very centred to be able to balance many of the poses, so it's not an activity I can do while I'm fretting about anything. Two cycles took me five minutes (glad I set a stopwatch, felt like at least 15 minutes right there). Then my cool-down stretches took another five minutes. So, ten minutes today, and when I work up to the four cycles of Greetings I'll be right at 15 minutes, and ready for adding in alternating the strength training and cardio. I'm aiming for a week to get my flexibility up to 15 minutes, then a week with strength and cardio before I switch up to adding in longer yoga workouts.

New Years' Eve was great, Em and Selb made delicious pizzas in the new pizza oven, and their company combined with Giselle and James was easy-going and fun. The kids did really well from my point of view - it seems that it's easier to enjoy other people's kids in a social setting. I got to watch quite possibly the funniest puppet show ever, courtesy of Ethan, Milla and Owen. However I made the mistake of laughing, so it quickly degenerated into pretty extreme silliness.

First photo of 2011 (thanks Emma) at 12.07am

I've taken a couple of photos already today. I was up so bright and early I couldn't resist getting some shots of first light on the Vale.

The light hitting our flowering gum. 

First light behind Xanthorrhoea

 First light (or maybe second) on the Geraldton stock sunflowers in AP system 1.

Happy I've started off on the right foot with the exercise - I know how important fitness is for managing my lupus. And loving the new camera. Hopeful that now I've expended some energy I may be able to get back to sleep!

My birthday tomorrow! Breakfast in bed, slow day at home and Taurus Hawkers for dinner with the extended family, and the genuine hope that Deb enjoys the food and it doesn't make her sick!

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