Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What a day

Today we had Burple booked in for her service. We left the house at 8.30, and spent several hours spending money and time at Garden City before picking up the old girl and heading up the hills to pick up GranNan's car. She's asked us to keep an eye on her garden while she's away for a few weeks, and is lending us her car and fuel card to make it financially possible. Takes a big bite out of the fuel tank to power up Canning Mills Road!

Work at WW tonight. The new program is now being advertised and we had 13 new members. Busy, busy night, but everyone was so lovely and patient, and the stock and money balanced at the end of the night, hurrah!

While we were out and about this afternoon we stopped in at Bunnings in an attempt to spend some of my birthday money. Sadly, the new seedlings hadn't been delivered yet, so may try again tomorrow.

Today marked day five of the New Year. I'm still very much enjoying my camera, and have taken photos every day. I'll add several days' worth at the end of my post. I've nearly got my flexibility stretches up the 15 minutes (13.5 minutes today) and am right on track for starting with strength and cardio on the eighth. I'm really feeling our day in the pool yesterday - my arms are very tender, possibly from the constant pulling of Alice out of the water. Mike tells me she had a great bike lesson this evening after I left for work. He is currently teaching her how to steer and also how to start herself off from stationary.

My birthday family pic

A female zucchini flower

Tigerella, yummy

Last night's story

Alice leaving a note for Uncle Kit

Watching lollies get made

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