Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've had a lovely day. We headed up the hill to visit with Mum and Dad last night - delightful hour in the pool followed by a BBQ dinner, boardgames, dessert and much, much drinking. We played Blokus, cool game! Alice took ages to settle to sleep as we hadn't planned on staying over and hadn't packed Mickey or Minnie. Surprisingly Josh settled without One Snuggly, Two Snuggly, Smootch and Baby Fox. We gave him three cars, he lay down and was asleep within minutes.

Alice sang me happy birthday this morning and in all honesty didn't realise that she sang "happy birthday to Alice". It was wonderful. I got breakfast one in bed - fruit porridge with all-spice which was delicious. About an hour later Mum made a full cooked breakfast served with hazelnut coffee. It was just like a cafe breakfast!

After a slow morning we headed home. Mike made a seafood pasta for lunch. He's also finished putting all the wires from behind the tv and sound system through the wall and up into the roof space so we don't have wires going along the floor any more.  It looks great!

I harvested tomatoes this morning from AP system 1. Three yellow cherry tomatoes and two red grape. The nectarines are going so well, Mike and I have had at least one each every day for over a week. And Jarrad and Deb gave me some Bunnings vouchers for my birthday, so I'm going to get seedlings tomorrow for one of the beds on AP1. You can't replace both beds on a system at once as it can throw out the bacteria balances and put too much stress on the fish (I think that's the gist of it) so I'll do one bed this week and another the week after.

We went to Taurus Hawkers for dinner. It was wonderful as always. Jarrad and Deb, Mum, Dad, Grandma, Aunty Wendy, Sarah and Family Ng joined us. Aunty Wendy and Sarah gave me a lovely bottle of organic, preservative free wine they found at Dan Murphy's. Mike and I have had no luck finding wine that is both organic AND preservative free so it's a great find for us.

Elina and Jeffery ordered some awesome Malaysian desserts that were absolutely amazing. I'll certainly be ordering those again on special occasions. Dad ordered entrees for the entire group, not realising how big the meals were going to be. Once we finished dinner we went to the Asian Grocery for our regular order of mystery ice-creams. I got little dumpling ice-creams. Mum and Joanna got watermelon flavoured icy-poles that were in the shape of watermelon!

Mum, Dad, Grandma, Jarrad and Deb came back home for coffee after. They left about an hour ago and now we're chilling in front of BBT and Bones. A charming evening which followed a day of peace and joy. I even got in my 10 minutes of yoga and flexibility stretches, go me!

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