Sunday, January 9, 2011

Geocaching is Fun

We went off yesterday to find the Geocache down at the local park - 147m from our house to the Hand of Givordan! Very exciting, even Alice adapted to the fact that the treasure was there to FIND, not to take. We downloaded the Geocaching iPhone app while we were out as the GPS in the iPhone wasn't accurate enough for us to find the GC (look at me learning the abbreviations!). The app makes it so simple - we were able to get to right on top of the GC, then used the hint (a splinter in the palm of the hand) helped us to find the tiny aluminium pill case hidden in a paperbark gum. Inside was a tightly rolled scroll of paper with an explanation of GCing on one side and a log of finders on the other side. We didn't have a pencil so we didn't log there, but placed a found log on the website. We found the Falconers' on the GC log, and photos of them and the Burchards on the website.

We went for dinner last night at the Ramble. The kids were very happy to see their cousins, although they are still having difficulty with the concept that both Millie and Hamish are their cousins rather than Millie being Alice's cousin and Hamie being Josh's. The kids behaved really well, we managed to get them home before any real melt-downs occurred.

We had Chinese for dinner last night. My plan of filling up on healthy food was foiled by us leaving the house quite early to do some running around. Wound up having a pie - which I counted as 13 points (broccoli mornay, yum!). Then ate more Chinese than I needed. And had two pieces of Steph's gorgeous rocky road and maple caramel slice. Ver', ver' nice. Haven't worked out points for that yet, but will do.

While Mike and I were out picking up the Chinese we detoured to a GC up in Wireless Hill. Awesome - it had swaps, but we didn't take anything (although Mike has a uni coffee card that is nearly full, so when we have membership and can set up our own GCs we may put one on or near the grounds at Murdoch!). It was fun, and nice to do together.

I'm pretty tired today, I guess yesterday and the day before wound up being quite full on as far as socialising and stress (especially with A's allergy testing). Plus, yesterday was the first day I did my strength exercises. I did notice in bed last night that I was able to easily draw full lungs of breath. I hadn't realised I wasn't able to do that, but it's been a really long time since I've felt that sensation. May be a coincidence, but may be from the strength exercises. I'm yet to do my yoga today, and I'm planning on going for a 30 minute walk (interval style) on the treadmill later on today. I'm loving the exercise although I know it takes a month to create a new habit so I will continue to bless myself and my family with the best health I can manage!

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